With organic farming, chemical control is of course unthinkable. Fortunately, there are also biological agents that you can use to prevent pest control.
Predatory mite: Helps against Thrips
Lava meal: Helps against Mildew, Buxus caterpillar, Red mite
Pheromones: Helps against the boxwood moth.
Marigolds, help against Nematodes
Onion helps against Carrot fly
Marigold flower helps against Ants
Fenugreek helps against Leaf fungi
True chamomile helps against Onion fly
Insect hotel attracts various useful insect robbers
Tübinger mixture attracts various useful insects insect predators
You can also make a great remedy from garlic that helps against snails. Do you want to know how it is made. Ineke from Ini's Moestuin made an interesting video about it.