Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
Fast delivery - Sustainable and Organic products - Information and advice - New Perlite - From 8 bags of Lava Meal, Worm Compost, and/or Lava Grit, you receive a free packet of organic seeds -
The worm mix for soil improvement is not sent when the temperature is around 25 degrees Celsius. The worm mix for soil improvement is best put out on the day of delivery. It is not recommended to keep the worms for a few days. If it is necessary to store the worm mix, this is best at 7-15 degrees Celsius..
The worm mix is specially formulated for soil improvement. Packed per 1 kilo or packed per 5 kilos when buying 10 kg in one go. Better drainage of the soil and making firm soil more airy by means of worms. This mix contains different types of worms.
Worms present in the mix:
Eisenia Hortensis
Eisenia Fetida
Lumbricus terrestris
Each species has its positive property for the soil. This mix contains worms that mainly live in the top layer of the soil. These worms dig tunnels in the top 40 cm of the soil and process the bedding layer (leaves, twigs, etc) and worms that also live deeper in the soil. These worms dig tunnels deep in the soil. This provides extra air and better drainage for the soil
The ratio between these types of worms is about 50% – 50%. Why the 50% ratio? We have chosen this ratio because the Dewworms reproduce a lot less quickly than the compost worms. More Dewworms provide better drainage.
Divide the bag of worms into 1 or more heaps. The bag (1 kg) contains enough for 10 m2 to 50 m2.
When the soil feels dry, it is recommended to spray the soil wet. the worms can then go into the ground more easily and are less vulnerable.
We leave the pile of soil with worms in a pile. This way the worms can find their way to the bottom themselves and the soil from the bag gives the worms some protection.
Don't put the worms underground yourself! It is best to administer the worms at a minimum of 5 degrees Celsius below this temperature, the worms are not active enough and can fall prey to birds. If you release the worms in the evening, fewer birds will be present.
When worms are released, it is important to stop giving fertilizer. Fertilizer is bad for soil life. In addition, it is important to ensure a good organic layer on the soil. This can be done, for example, by returning the pruning waste to the garden or by not collecting the grass clippings while mowing the lawn.
This mix is not suitable for a compost bin or worm tower. Some of the worms in this mix cannot live in a small tank.
Article Wageningen University Earthworms and their key role in the soil.
Gardeners are more often confronted with drainage problems due to soil that has been added to new buildings, for example. Water that remains and a hardened layer that disturbs the soil.
Interfering layers If the garden has already been laid out, it can be a very costly operation to install drainage pipes. And last but not least, the damage it causes to the crop present. In nature, it is the worms, among others, that are responsible for a well-drained soil. The countless corridors ensure that water reaches the top layer of the soil more quickly. By using different worms, each of which has its own characteristics, both superficial temporary tunnels are made and permanent tunnels that go several meters deep into the soil. This combination of different worms ensures that interfering layers can be broken through. Plants and trees also use these countless corridors to easily go deep into the soil with their roots, which in turn also has a positive effect on the disturbing subsoil. This makes it easier for plants and trees to absorb moisture from deeper layers of the soil during dry periods.
Biodiversity In addition, the worms help to restore soil life and biodiversity. The worms spread organic material, bacteria and fungi through the soil through their excrement (worm manure). This helps the garden to create a healthy and natural soil, especially when a mulch layer is used and fertilizers are no longer used.
Result Results are always delayed with regard to drainage. The first results are usually visible after a season, although there are plenty of customers who already experience an effect within a year. In the unlikely event that the result is disappointing, it is necessary to use a new batch of worms until the desired result is achieved. Before new worms are deployed, information can always be gathered again to ensure that the project runs as successfully as possible.
Worm Nursery Wasse and Franky's Flora from Beilen in Drenthe. The specialist in the field of soil improvement - as they say - 'another way of gardening and farming'
Frank Wasse started his worm farm in 2016. A year later, the brand name Franky's Flora was added. 'Nature and biodiversity are our starting point when it comes to soil improvement'. We look at what the soil needs to achieve a top result. Knowledge shows that the plant, shrub (or any crop for that matter) can get its own nutrition from the soil when the plant needs it. In Franky's Flora's view, everything grows better on good soil. The bottom is the base. Worm manure is a living product and a fantastic soil improver. One hundred percent natural and organic!
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cees - mei 2023
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Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
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Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
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Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
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Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
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Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
Ed Weev - februari 2022
Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
f.a.m. van hoorn - januari 2022
Henk Dol - oktober 2021
Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
Maarten - mei 2021
Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
Bernice - maart 2021
Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse
Puttaert - februari 2021
Frank van Wormenkwekerijwasse